
Registering your charity

The Memorial Donation Handler is a revolutionary new system that is available through the growing network of funeral homes who are reaching out for better ways to help the communities and families they serve.

This system provides a more convenient and efficient way for friends and family to support the family during their time of loss with a comforting gesture of support of a Memorial Donation in a hope that something good perhaps can come out of their loss.

Offering Credit Card Fulfillment with your organization

We are pleased to have Artez Interactive as our fulfillment partner for Memorial Donations placed by credit card. Artez is one of the North Americas leading and most trusted providers that the many of the top charities turn to. The Artez solution ensures funds donated are automatically deposited directly into charitable organizations account, audited and complete tax receipting is provided at the time of donation.

If you would like to have your registered Charitable Organization added to the list of charities available through this program please contact us by following the link below. To learn more about Artez and this system designed to help funeral homes, visit us online at


Getting your charity in the local database listing - Non credit card fulfillment

If your organization is not interested in being set up for credit card fulfillment, but would like to be added to the localized list at our funeral home, please follow the link below and complete the required submission form. We will review your charities request and if it meets the criteria we will have it added to our list for future Memorial giving.
